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Take Action: Tell President Biden to Champion Federal Voting Rights Reforms

Take Action: Tell President Biden to Champion Federal Voting Rights Reforms

The Biden-Harris Administration rose into office only after the historic 2020 election achieved record-shattering voter participation and necessary expansions to voter access during a deadly pandemic. But now those very same expansive innovations and reforms for voting are under direct assault across the country. The nation is on the precipice of sliding back into an era of Jim Crow, a racial caste system that legitimized anti-blackness and thwarted multiculturalism. Yet the Biden-Harris administration has used few of the tools at its disposal to champion federal voting rights reforms.

Now is not the time to back down, but to surge forward. Federal voting rights protections cannot wait and are vital to saving the soul of our democracy. The League is calling for the White House to harness its substantial power and influence to lead the fight for voting rights reforms that will:

  • Protect and enforce voting rights;
  • Address the historical barriers to voting;
  • Provide oversight on voting rights violations;
  • Hold states and bad actors accountable; and
  • Create a democracy that is representative of all Americans.

Your voice is powerful, now it’s time to raise it up to the Oval Office. Call on the Biden-Harris White House to lead this fight to protect the freedom to vote.

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Want to make a phone call too? 

Call the White House at 833-345-2554.
The White House comment line is open Tuesday to Thursday, from 11 am – 3 pm ET. When you reach a staff member, tell them your name and that you are a constituent. Then, demand that President Biden do everything in his power to help overcome the filibuster and pass the Freedom to Vote Act!