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LWV Election 2024 Webinar Series

Training series is for League members to engage on a variety of vital election topics ahead of voting in the 2024 general election


This training series is for League members to engage on a variety of vital election topics ahead of voting in the 2024 general election. League members are invited to attend each of these weekly trainings. Recordings and resources will be made available on this page. 

Each webinar will be one hour long, except for the Bystander Training & Voter Intimidation session, which will be 90 minutes. 

As your League carries out registration, GOTV, and other election actions this season, be sure to track your impact for the Annual League Survey, which will be released in January. Find trackers and more information on the Annual League Survey here

Upcoming Trainings

Election 2024: Direct Voter Contact 

Thursday, Sept. 19, 5pm ET 

Register Here 

Explore the LWV toolbox for direct voter contact strategies and methods, including friend banking, affinity texting, p2p texting, canvassing, and other direct voter contact methods.

Election 2024: Preparing for Post-Election 

Thursday, Oct. 3, 1pm ET

Register Here 

From messaging around taking the time to count all the ballots, to observing the mail-in counting process or recounts, to attending certification meetings armed with the information that can help officials, the League's work can help with a peaceful transition of power, increase trust in the final results, help protect election officials, and ensure the voice of the voter is heard.

Election 2024: Bystander Training & Voter Intimidation

Thursday, Oct. 10, 5pm ET (90 minutes) 

Register Here 

Learn bystander intervention and de-escalation techniques grounded in the principles of non-violence. Learn about voter intimidation: what it is, what legal protections exist, recommendations on how to respond, and how the League is involved.

Previously Recorded Election Webinars

Election 2024: Action Calendar

Thursday, Aug. 15, 5pm ET

Watch It Here

Passcode: c+d.2k0$

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A high-level overview of a typical election calendar for Leagues, including civic holidays and major days of activation for voter registration, education, mobilization, and protection. Resource links available in slide deck linked above.

Election 2024: In-Person Registration & GOTV Events

Thursday, Aug. 22, 5pm ET

Watch It Here

Passcode: Bkp6RFn?

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Best practices and tactics for creating interactive in-person events that prioritize building relationships with voters, including strategies and tactics for "voter follow-up" using League In Action. Resource links available in slide deck linked above.

Election 2024: Media & Rapid Response Messaging 

Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1pm ET

Watch It Here

Passcode: Z1!kse*9

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Prepare for media coverage of your League's election activities, media opportunities, and rapid response communications during election season.

Media & Rapid Response Webinar: Resources

Election 2024: Social Media & Branding 

Thursday, Sept. 5, 1pm ET 

Watch It Here 

 Passcode: KDa=p%@9

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Leverage social media and LWV branding for the 2024 election, including how to apply branding in real time and leverage paid and organic content, as well as tips and best practices on what type of content is ideal for each social media platform. Resource links available in slide deck linked above.

Election 2024: Issues with Debates & Candidate Forums 

Thursday, Sept. 12, 1pm ET

Watch it Here 

Passcode: 1LdH?9qT

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Address the most common debate/forum issues, including disruptions, empty chair format, public use of debate content, and increasing candidate participation.

Litigation to Protect Voters

Recording and slides coming soon!

How LWVUS and Leagues across the country empower voters and defend democracy through legal advocacy, including LWVUS litigation team support of state and local Leagues who seek to file or join litigation in state or federal court, current legal advocacy happening around the country, and how Leagues can be prepared to protect voters during the current election season.

Working with Local Election Officials

By growing trust and fostering relationships with local election officials League members will know more about the election administration process, foster rapport with local election officials, administrators, and staff and ultimately learn more about the election process. By asking election officials questions about how elections are run, what responsibilities are expected of them, and how best to communication information about elections to the public, League members will learn more and feel empowered.

Note: This webinar was presented at the LWVUS 2024 National Convention. To access the recording, members will need to log in to Cvent.

Proactive Practices & Tactics to Combat Mis/Dis/Malinformation

Mis, Dis-and Mal-information are on the rise at alarming rates. New tactics are being developed to undermine confidence in elections and exploit information gaps. The speed and scale of social media allows for mis/dis/mal-information to thrive online. Fighting the spread of mis/dis/ mal-info must be a continued priority to restore the health of and anchor trust in our democracy. This training empowers folks to take an active role in combatting mis/dis/mal-information through utilizing the strategies of spreading awareness, inoculation, and debunking. Disrupting cycles of mis/dis/mal-information builds more knowledgeable and savvy audiences who foster an understanding of how best to stop the spread of falsehoods

Note: This webinar was presented at the LWVUS 2024 National Convention. To access the recording, members will need to log in to Cvent.

Engaging Voters with Civic Holidays

Learn from our partners on how to engage voters on civic holidays and the impact celebrating these days of action will have in your community.

VOTE411 Field Trainings

  • Getting More Candidates to Respond: The more candidates fill out your voter guide, the better it is for voters! Join the VOTE411 Team as they share seven ways to get more candidate responses to your voter guide.
  • VOTE411 Branding and Promotions: VOTE411 will be a powerful tool for voters in the 2024 election season! Join the LWVUS Communications team and VOTE411 team to learn more about the resources available to help make promoting your voter guide easier.