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On the final day of Pride month, June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled in favor of a business owner seeking to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ persons, striking a blow against Americans’ right to live free from discrimination. The ones who should have upheld principles of equality and fairness — our nation’s highest Court — failed. 

Stand up to violence against women and girls by participating in the UN's #16DaysofActivism!

Congress attached legislation to update how votes are counted and cast by the Electoral College to the omnibus appropriations bill that passed in the final days of the 117th Congress. 

Current bipartisan proposals would clarify existing ambiguities in the legislation around the role of the Vice President and the certification of electors and offer transparency around how electors are appointed. 

When I look at everything people have done this year to protect and uplift every person’s voice, I find so much to be thankful for. 

This is for the election workers, voters, and League volunteers who empowered voters and defended democracy this year.

The Democracy Truth Project aims to strengthen democracy and restore trust in the electoral process by combating mis- and disinformation. The project leverages the extensive expertise of League leaders and partners to provide the public with information and tools to participate in our democracy and restore trust in the political system. 

In mass shootings, the number of people shot is six times higher when an assault weapon is involved and five times higher when a large-capacity magazine is involved. In an analysis, assault weapons accounted for more than 85% of deaths in mass shootings.  

It's up to us to make sure everyone has the information and ability to cast their vote! 

Here are five ways you can empower voters and defend democracy through volunteer work. 

You've cast your vote and possibly received the results  — so what do you do now to defend democracy? Our advocacy, litigation, and voting rights teams have some tips.

Every October, more than a million people vote in one of the most anticipated elections of the year: Fat Bear Week (FBW).

FBW is a brilliant campaign in terms of engaging and educating people worldwide about the majestic brown bear. But in addition to teaching us about bears, it teaches us a lot about how we vote. 

Choose your own Halloween adventure — election edition! Then find our which classic monster most speaks to (or wants to steal) your soul.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.