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In celebration of Carrie Chapman Catt’s birthday, here are 10 inspiring facts about her life and legacy.

We’re 1 week from the deadline to submit comments to the Federal Election Commission on how to address corruption. So far, we have submitted over 12,000 comments supporting stricter regulations.

This fall, the League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Kansas (LWVJC) received a 2014 Civility Award for its “tireless work on behalf of all voters.”

Here's a sample of just some of the important work the League accomplished in 2014, and what lays ahead in 2015.

Another year has nearly passed us by, and the League of Women Voters has stayed busy! We could not have had as far-reaching an impact without our incredible supporters, like you, who assist in Making Democracy Work®.

Today is Bill of Rights Day, established in honor of the ratification of the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution on December 15, 1791.

The comment period for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan ended earlier this week, and thanks to our fantastic supporters from across the country, we helped submit over 48,000 comments in support of the regulation!

Wow! When we reached out to League supporters about our #GivingTuesday campaign, we knew you would step up. But we never could have imagined just how much. With your help we more than tripled what we raised last year, plus we got our $10,000 match!

Online voter registration is taking hold across the country. But almost every system leaves out a significant part of the population – citizens who don’t have a driver’s license or ID.

I have been taking this time to think about all that I am thankful for this year – and one of the biggest things is you! You have made this an amazing year for LWV and for our democracy.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.