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Earlier this month, a federal judge denied a preliminary injunction barring North Carolina’s new restrictive elections law.

Thanks to the work of the League of Women Voters and our coalition partners, no eligible voter in Wisconsin was disenfranchised by the state's state’s voter photo ID, which remains blocked by a federal court injunction to this day.

Our favorite holiday is coming! Here are some reasons why this year’s National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) will be the biggest ever.

Power plants are responsible for 40 percent of the carbon pollution in the United States, making them the single largest source of that pollution in the country. And while carbon pollution is invisible, its effects are anything but.

Voter discrimination cannot be tolerated in the 21st century. That's why we're pushing Congress to pass the Voting Rights Amendment Act, a flexible, modern answer to the problem of discrimination in voting.

The League commends the EPA for taking the necessary steps to cut carbon pollution and fight climate change, while also urging the agency to establish even stronger carbon rules to protect our planet.

Did you know you have to update your voter registration record every time you move? Luckily, it's easy!

Earlier this month, we attended a panel on the Democracy Restoration Act, a bill that would allow those released from prison to regain their right to vote in federal elections.

As young adults, we should be at the frontlines in helping decide the path of our country if we’re going to make the future our own.

In celebration of the 24th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), here are just a few ways the League works to ensure equal access to the ballot for Americans with disabilities.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.