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The League was founded to empower women to fully participate in our democracy, and today, we continue that work alongside our allies who focus on empowering other marginalized communities.  

To that end, we’re investing more than $5 million this year alone into a new programmatic focus — Women Power Democracy — to support initiatives that will help us realize a stronger, more representative American democracy. 

The Voting Rights Act (VRA) was signed into law on August 6, 1965, by President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was a proud day in American history. But the history to get to this point was stormy and full of thorns. And today, we have neither tamed the storm nor nipped the thorns still present as we work towards the American dream of life, liberty, and justice for all.  

The mission of the League of Women Voters is to empower voters and defend democracy. In the first half of 2021, LWV has done just that through a variety of cases nationwide.  

The "Voter Choice Ballot" (VCB) is a new proposal for electoral college reform advocated by “Making Every Vote Count." With enough ‘yes’ votes, a state acting under the VCB would award its electoral votes to the candidate who’d won the nationwide popular vote, contingent upon voters’ responses to a ballot question.

Voter guides, particularly the candidate information they provide, are essential tools for state and local elections that every American deserves access to.

Mis- and dis-information are two of the most insidious tools used to undermine our democracy and the value of every person’s voice. Learn how to recognize them and stop them in their tracks. 

In 1971, the 26th amendment granted the right to vote to Americans eighteen and older. This amendment is one in a series enacted to protect the right of every American to be represented in our government.

In a time when our voting rights are under attack, it's more important to reflect on these amendments than ever.

How much do you know about the filibuster? We've designed a quick quiz to help you brush up on your intel.

The nation has seen a resurgence of anti-voter bills. These bills are an existential threat to our country and the promise of one person, one vote. They put forward oppressive measures and unjust barriers that make our fundamental right to vote increasingly difficult, particularly for Black and brown Americans. 

The best tool to counter these denials of the freedom to vote is the For the People Act.  

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to empower voters and defend democracy.