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Read a guest blog post by the League of Women Voters of California on their advocacy campaign that resulted in a big win for campaign disclosure.

Graduation is a major milestone. We want to help recent graduates become active and engaged members of their new communities – help us encourage them to register to vote!

Have you registered to vote or updated your voter registration at your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or another public government agency? Then you have the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to thank for that!

This morning, I joined with other voting rights leaders at a press conference to urge Congress to begin moving the bipartisan Voting Rights Amendment Act by holding a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

So as we approach Mother’s Day, I want to thank my League foremothers. And, I want to offer them a gift: to try my best to be a role model for those coming after me.

I'm the mother of two small children, and while my children are too small to understand the issues on the ballot or being discussed in the government meetings we attend, I am teaching them everyday lessons they can carry with them.

Read a guest blog post by the League of Women Voters of Oregon on their recent participation in the Pacific Northwest Regional Hearing of the National Commission on Voting Rights.

Challenging a law on its face is always a very difficult thing to do. But as we have seen over the years since voter ID laws have been applied, these laws discriminate.

May 1 was Law Day, a day to reflect on the law's its importance to American society. This year’s theme - American Democracy and the Rule of Law: Why Every Vote Matters – was particularly relevant for us.

On Earth Day 2014, the League of Women Voters of the United States and the League of Women Voters of Iowa joined with The New Republic Magazine and Drake University in Iowa to sponsor a forum focused on climate change.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.