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League members recently attended the United Nation's 58th Commission on the Status of Women. Following World War II, the League of Women Voters helped lead the effort to establish the United Nations.

Utah was the second territory to grant women the right to vote in 1870. Like it or not, polygamy did play a part in suffrage in Utah.

This month marks the fourth anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The League was a strong advocate for the legislation when it was debated and passed by Congress in 2010.

The Oakland League embraces the history of the suffrage movement; we are proud to highlight our history and work during Women’s History Month, but also are committed to improving our community throughout the year.

On March 25, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in two cases that challenge the Affordable Care Act mandate that employers are required to provide contraceptive coverage.

Yesterday, the League of Women Voters joined with Rachel’s Action Network (RAN) to host a breakfast honoring the women of the U.S. Congress.

Social justice icon Eleanor Roosevelt was a formative leader of the League of Women Voters.

Who votes in primaries? And what happens next? Here’s a quick look at primaries to help answer your questions about this pivotal part of our voting system.

In the last two weeks, four anti-voter provisions became law in Ohio. Read our guest blog from the League of Women Voters of Ohio on these election changes and how they're keeping voters informed.

Deirdre Mcnab, president of the League of Women Voters of Florida, guest blogs on their advocacy work to get Florida to expand the Medicaid program through the Affordable Care Act.

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