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The Electoral College has been a part of our democratic process since the start, but what does it really do and what can we expect this year? Here is what you should know.

On November 4, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the next pivotal LGBTQ rights case. 

Alexa and VOTE411 have teamed up to add more voting logistics information to Alexa!

Native Americans, the first people to inhabit the area now known as the United States, have tragically been disenfranchised for much of the nation’s history.

It's important to understand why the ERA is necessary and look to states that have already passed such amendments in their own constitutions for guidance on this important subject.

Notice and cure processes are the most effective mitigation factor against voter suppression relating to mail-in ballots.

Here’s what to know about in-person voting.

Here are a few stories from LWV staff members about their favorite memory of the voting process that we hope will inspire you as you plan to make your voice heard!

What sorts of obstacles do overseas Americans face in voting and how can they overcome them?

This year, we are going to have to wait for democracy to run its course. We need to allow time for every vote to be counted accurately and completely. 

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