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It’s time to close this loophole that is letting too much big money into our elections. Stand up today and urge your Representatives to strengthen the coordination rules!

I love hearing the stories from random people I meet who share stories about their mother or grandmother’s involvement with the League when they find out I work for this organization

Help us celebrate 22 years of improved voter registration – take our short quiz on the National Voter Registration Act.

On May 20, 1993, I watched President Clinton sign the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) into law. The legislation, also known as Motor Voter, was a significant victory for LWV.

Over 26 states have, or will soon have, online voter registration. The proposed online voter registration bills in Florida and Texas would provide thousands of citizens the ability to easily register to take part in our democracy.

My mother helped foster my love for our democracy, and now it’s my turn. It’s up to me (and Oliver’s dad) to teach him about our government, our democracy and how he can ultimately play a role in the future of our country.

Mother's Day is the day to honor all of the moms who balance motherhood with being an active citizen, therefore ensuring our kids – and our communities – have the tools they need to be smart voters and active participants in our democracy.

“You can vote at 5 today, Mom,” said my 11-year old over her morning cereal earlier this week. I put down my coffee and gave her a smile that was filled with a mix of astonishment and pride.

Watch our new video, which outlines five ways to improve our elections.

The League is encouraging Congress to pass five pieces of legislation, known as the Frack Pack, that seek to keep our air and water safe while holding big polluters responsible for fracking.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.