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As a part of Women’s History Month, I was thrilled to join a special event in honor of the four women who have served as members of the United States Supreme Court.

Over the course of a week, more than 9,000 delegates, including LWV representatives, joined with delegates from UN member states for the 59th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59).

The League is not only a direct outgrowth of the suffrage movement; it is the product of early 20th Century thinking that trusted facts and expertise to reform corrupt government institutions.

As a citizen of both the U.S. and the U.K., I believe it is important to be politically engaged in both of the countries that I call home.

Hold your mouse over the images to see how the League of Women Voters has helped educate and empower voters – past and present!

2 months into the 2015 State Legislative sessions, we have seen a groundswell of assaults on voters in many states. We have been working to fight these threats and advance voting opportunities.

The League of Women Voters of North Carolina is challenging the state's voter photo ID requirement in state court under the North Carolina state constitution.

"I get to be part of an organization that helps millions of voters stand up for what they believe in every single year."

This week, the Mission of the United States to the United Nations commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Reagon’s unique blend of activism and music led her to become of the "voice of freedom" during the civil rights movement.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.