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The climate crisis continues to devastatingly and inequitably impact the health and well-being of people and our planet.  

As effective climate action requires political commitment and coordinated laws and policies, the League advocates for bold and just executive and legislative actions to help ensure a stable climate for future generations. 

Our history is replete with people with disabilities who paved the way for a stronger, more representative democracy — like Judy Heumann, Sojourner Truth, Senator Tammy Duckworth, Claudia Gordan, Harriet Tubman, Joyce Ardell Jackson, and Vilissa Thompson, to name a few. 

Yet we also know that anti-voter laws and regulations disproportionately impact people with disabilities, and the fight to make the vote more accessible is ongoing. 

In this blog, we’ll highlight some of our favorite voting rights activists who were also women with disabilities. Then, we’ll examine how ability and voting rights intersect today. 

From January – August 2023, state legislatures nationwide passed various bills into law. While following these developments, the League noticed several important trends around voting rights and election administration.

There is only one way we can ensure that the promise of democracy is kept: by fervently participating in our nation’s political processes, ensuring our voices are heard. 

For the second year in a row, the League has declared August 26 to be Women’s Inequality Day because of the historic challenges women and our allies currently face. 

Share your message for #WID23 by creating a video!

While Congress is home on the August recess, negotiations are continuing on the final budget for the fiscal year. Oftentimes, negotiators use riders on the budget to appease either side to move forward on the main bill. This blog will dive into the threat these riders pose and what they mean for DC’s future. 

In my time training as a communications intern at the League of Women Voters, I was posed with two daunting questions. What change would you like to see in the world? How can you embody that change?

Reflecting on the Voting Rights Act of 1965, it is crucial to acknowledge the hard work of diverse coalitions and dedicated activists who fought tirelessly for its passage. Their unwavering commitment to fairness and justice moved our country towards a more inclusive and democratic society.

In June 2022, the US Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, ending the federal constitutional right to abortion. This ruling eliminated a fundamental right that women and people who may become pregnant held for nearly fifty years and left the right to abortion up to federal and state legislation. 

One year after Dobbs, 20 states are enforcing more limited abortion bans than before the ruling, including 14 states that have banned abortion at conception. Additionally, many have implemented other restrictions that make abortion less accessible.

Last year’s SCOTUS decision repealing the right to abortion continues to affect millions of people nationwide. Yet while most of us are familiar with its impact on family planning, I wonder if we all understand the full repercussions on every aspect of our lives? 

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to empower voters and defend democracy.