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LWV Of Greater Youngstown

Community Leaders

Elizabeth Nalepa, President
Amanda Fehlbaum, Co-President
Lisa Lee Kohler, Vice President

League ID




Stories from Around the State

Voting rights groups that charge that Ohio’s congressional map was unfairly manipulated by state Republicans will have their say in federal court.

The plaintiffs include groups such as the League of Women Voters of Ohio, Democratic organizations, and Democratic voters in GOP-held districts.

Today, the Supreme Court ruled against Ohio voters by upholding the state's purging practice for those voters who did not vote in a single election.

U.S. Supreme Court allows Ohio to purge voting rolls.

The League of Women Voters of Ohio today announced participation in a lawsuit challenging the state's U.S. congressional districts as unconstitutional.

Today, the Supreme Court heard arguments in Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute. I joined other advocates calling for an end to voter purges.