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LWV Of Lake County

Community Leaders

Sandra Luther, President
Carol Pred, Vice President
Glen Gross, Vice President

League ID




Stories from Around the State

Jen Miller, LWV of Ohio Executive Director, found her own voter status at risk of illegitimate purging, along with over 200,000 others. LWVOH contacted voters to inform them of their status.

Voting rights groups are concerned that thousands of voters could be erroneously purged from Ohio’s voter rolls. In a letter to Secretary of State Frank LaRose, the League of Women Voters Ohio, All Voting Is Local, the NAACP Ohio State Conference and Campus Vote Project called on him to “pause the state’s voter purge process and not move forward on September 6” as planned.

Voting rights groups that charge that Ohio’s congressional map was unfairly manipulated by state Republicans will have their say in federal court.

The plaintiffs include groups such as the League of Women Voters of Ohio, Democratic organizations, and Democratic voters in GOP-held districts.

Today, the Supreme Court ruled against Ohio voters by upholding the state's purging practice for those voters who did not vote in a single election.

U.S. Supreme Court allows Ohio to purge voting rolls.