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LWV Of Santa Barbara

Community Leaders

Leadership Team, President
Vicki Allen, Vice President
Revae Moran, Vice President
Joan Jones, Membership Chair

League ID



(805) 965-2422

Stories from Around the State

California is considering making permanent changes to voting following historic voter turnout in the 2020 elections.

LWV of the United States and the Leagues of California, Florida, and Texas filed an amicus brief in New York v. Trump, a case which challenges President Trump’s executive order to block undocumented individuals from being counted in the U.S. Census.

A federal judge ruled in City of San Jose, California v. Trump that the president’s executive order to block undocumented individuals from being counted in the U.S. Census is unconstitutional.

After system crashes in Virginia and Florida, other states are warned of the possibility of glitches as registration deadlines approach.

LWV of the United States and LWV of California, Florida, Texas filed an amicus brief in New York Immigrant Coalition v. Trump, a case which challenges President Trump’s executive order to block undocumented individuals from being counted in the U.S. Census.

Concerned about the role of "fake news," in undermining democracy, the LWV of Palo Alto hosted a panel to discuss the threat disinformation, misinformation, and fake news pose to our elections.