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LWV Of Washtenaw County

Community Leaders

Lynne Kochmanski, President
Catherine Murau, Vice President
Mary Ann McGee, Membership Chair

League ID


Stories from Around the State

The League of Women Voters national president Chris Carson issued the following statement on the passing of Congressman John Dingell.

Was the last re-drawing of Michigan’s political district maps so biased in Republicans’ favor, they were illegal?

That question literally went on trial Tuesday, with a three-judge panel in Detroit’s federal court hearing arguments for and against Michigan’s 2011 redistricting maps.

If this settlement is approved by the court, 11 state house districts will be redrawn to fairly represent voters—that’s one more step toward making sure voters are picking their politicians, and not the other way around.

This past Election day, Michigan voters approved Proposals 2 and 3, creating an independent redistricting commission and expanding access to the polls.

The League celebrates 2018 midterms voting rights victories in Florida, Maryland, and Michigan. When it came to issues of elections, voters overwhelmingly selected to expand voting rights.

In states across the country, the League is working to put the power to draw lines in the hands of the people, not politicians.