Criteria for League Participation in Marches & Events
The criteria was established by the Board in 2017 to help the League identify top priorities and determine at what level we will or will not participate in a variety of events.
We are in a moment of renewed political activism and this year we are seeing multiple events planned that may or may not be good opportunities for the League.
Participating in any march in this political climate opens us up to risk. The criteria below was established by the Board in 2017 to help the League identify top priorities and determine at what level we will or will not participate in a variety of events.
Criteria for Participation
We are in a moment of renewed political activism and this year we are seeing multiple events planned that may or may not be good opportunities for the League. Participating in any march in this political climate opens us up to risk. We have developed the following criteria and questions to ask to determine the best opportunities and whether each event is something the League will support:
- The event truly aligns with the core Making Democracy Work® issues
- The organizers of the event are transparent in their planning and the event is nonpartisan
- The event advances one or more of the League’s strategic goals
- What risks are associated with participation and can LWVUS secure the appropriate insurance?
- Inclusion and diverse participation is a core focus of the event planning
- LWVUS volunteers and/or staff have the bandwidth for supporting the needs of participation
- What is the potential for earned media and other visibility?
- What access would the League have to names and emails of event attendees?
- Should the League seek speaking opportunities or take other leadership to shape the event?
Levels of Engagement
If and how we participate in future events will fall into the following levels of engagement:
- LWVUS will partner and lead.
For events that support the League’s key priorities, participation may include sponsorship, co-branding, staff coordination on the ground, official speaking roles, other leadership activities as well as sister-event participation. - LWVUS will participate but not lead.
LWVUS, state and local Leagues will participate in events with board support. - LWVUS will not participate but other levels of League may.
For events that do not rise to the occasion of full League participation but meet a variety of our criteria, LWVUS will not coordinate but will welcome state and local participation. - No Leagues will participate.
For events that do not advance the key priorities of the League, are deemed too partisan or risky, LWVUS will mandate that these events are not appropriate for any official League participation. Members who want to take part in these events may do so as individuals. We request no use of the League brand or logo at these events.