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Woman getting signatures for climate action

The Environment

As citizens of the world, we must protect our planet from the physical, economic, and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.

Why It Matters

The preservation of the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the earth’s ecosystem is essential for the maximum protection of public health and the environment. The interrelationships of air, water, and land resources should be recognized in designing environmental safeguards. The federal government should have a major role in setting standards for environmental protection and pollution control.

What We're Doing

Since the 1960s, we have been at the forefront of efforts to protect air, land, and water resources. Our approach to environmental protection and pollution control is one of problem-solving. The League’s environmental goals aim to prevent ecological degradation and to reduce and control pollutants before they go down the sewer, up the chimney or into the landfill. We support vigorous enforcement mechanisms, including sanctions for states and localities that do not comply with federal standards as well as substantial fines for noncompliance.

In 2023, we endorsed the Children's Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery Resolution, which recognizes the disproportionate impact of the climate crisis on the health, economic opportunities, and fundamental rights of children and the need for a national, science-based climate recovery plan to meet necessary emissions reduction targets and stabilize the climate system.

Latest from the League

The League joined over eighty-five 85+ environment groups, public health advocates, labor allies, environmental justice and civil rights organizations and faith groups in support of revising the primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone to a level of 60 parts per billion (ppb).

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The League signed on to a letter asking U.S. Senators and Representatives to cosponsor legislation that would help protect the environment and public health from the risks of oil and gas production including hydraulic fracturing. The set of bills is commonly referred to as the "Frack Pack."

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The LWVUS Climate Change Task Force has developed a background paper for League members and others on the projected impacts of climate change on the cryosphere.

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to protect the environment