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This editorial was originally published in the Star Tribune.

League of Women Voters of Minnesota's 2,300 members across the state are doing work vital to our democracy. 

This story was originally published in the Marion Star.

Since 1950, the Marion chapter of the League of Women Voters has provided reliable, nonpartisan information about issues and voting. While they ask candidates questions on positions for voting guides, the group never supports a particular candidate or political party. They do occasionally study and take positions on issues.

LWVUS CEO, Virginia Kase Solomón, joined Our Body Politic to discuss threats and issues poll workers face protecting our democracy.

This story was originally published by EpiCenter Mt. Pleasant.

With election time quickly approaching, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by unfamiliar names on the ballot. The League of Women Voters of the Mt. Pleasant Area provides a solution to this dilemma, offering to help educate and inform residents, encouraging an educated, active participation in government.

This opinion was originally published in the Times Union.

The Times Union Editorial Board wrote this thoughtful opinion on the importance of candidate participation in debates and forums.

This story was originally published in Mother Jones.

“How can you figure out how many people will not vote because they’re too afraid to go to the polls? There’s no way to get that number,” Joan Porte, president of the League of Women Voters of Virginia, told Mother Jones. Port also cited the inability to know with certainty how many people were receiving notifications that their rights had been restored in time for Election Day.

This podcast of Just Politics was originally aired by U.S. Catholic.

In this episode of the podcast, Celina Stewart, chief counsel and senior director of advocacy and litigation with the League of Women Voters of the United States, talks about gerrymandering, restrictive voting laws, and other threats to voting rights.

This story was originally published by Public News Service.

"It's going to take that kind of courage from our political leaders," said Kellar, "but I think it's what their constituents are really looking for from them in a moment like this, is to do that soul searching and take a stand when they need to."

This story was originally published by the Center for Public Integrity.

While restoration of the federal Voting Rights Act languishes in a split Congress, an already deep divide in Americans’ access to voting has widened over the past year.

This story was originally published in the Oxford Observer.

The League of Women Voters of Oxford partnered with the Howe Writing Center to “Take Action for Democracy” on Oct. 25. The first floor space hosted a casual meet and greet with a handful of tables scattered around the room, offering information on registering to vote, understanding the ballot, calling representatives and writing and submitting op-eds.

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