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Over 2 months ago, we asked you to submit comments to the EPA in support of their proposed regulation to limit carbon pollution from new power plants. We surpassed TWO million comments!

Today, the Supreme Court repeated its uninformed errors in the Citizens United decision in another campaign finance case. We look forward to the day when the Court majority deal with the facts.

Last week we told you about an attempt by Senator Jim Inhofe and a vocal minority that would have eliminated an histo

On Monday, June 11, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed our National Convention.

Last night, the faux-news show The Daily Show took on Florida’s new voter registration law.

As I wrote earlier this week, I was in Wisconsin on Tuesday to observe the recall election. It was a long day, but very exciting to bear witness to democracy at work.

More than 160 Wisconsin League volunteers are out in force as election observers while voters decide the outcome of the recall election for Governor Scott Walker and other officials.

Ninety-three years ago today, the 19th amendment to the Constitution was passed by Congress an

As part of our work for the 9th Forum for the Future scheduled to be held in Tunisia in December, I traveled last weekend to Tunis-Carthage to meet NGO leaders.

It is National Women’s Health Week– and groups around the nation are taking a moment to recognize the importance of women’s health, and the impact the

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to empower voters and defend democracy.