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On January 27, 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Now that the amendment has passed the 38-state threshold for ratification, several questions have arisen about its path to final enshrinement.

State of the Union Bingo Cards 

In 2019, LWV of Houston volunteers registered more than 31,000 new citizens to vote. Here's how they did it.

Community organizing and advocacy will be an essential part of GOTC efforts this year. Here's what's at stake.

An in-depth look at how the Voting Rights Act has protected voters of color and language-minority voters—and why we need the Voting Rights Advancement Act.

On the eve of LWV’s 100th anniversary, today we celebrate the birthday of our founder, Carrie Chapman Catt.

Throughout 2019 the League defended democracy in the courts on issues relating to voting rights, redistricting, money in politics, and improving elections.

 2019 was filled with great moments for our citizen-led democracy. Here are just a few of our favorite highlights from the year.

Human Rights Day celebrates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone is entitled to inalienable rights regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national or social origin, or other status.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.