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Leagues in California

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61 Leagues in Your State

LWV Of Alameda (Local League)
LWV Of Beach Cities (Local League)
LWV Of Butte County (Local League)
LWV Of Davis Area (State Affiliate)
LWV Of Diablo Valley (Local League)
LWV Of Fresno (Local League)
LWV Of Humboldt County (Local League)
LWV of Kern County (Local League)
LWV Of Long Beach Area (Local League)
LWV Of Marin County (Local League)
LWV Of Merced County (Local League)
LWV Of Monterey County (Local League)
LWV of MotherLode (Local League)
LWV Of Napa County (Local League)
LWV Of Nevada County (Local League)
LWV Of Oakland (Local League)
LWV Of Orange Coast (Local League)
LWV Of Palo Alto (Local League)
LWV Of Pasadena Area (Local League)
LWV Of Piedmont (Local League)
LWV of Placer County (Local League)
LWV of Plumas (State Affiliate)
LWV Of Redding Area (Local League)
LWV Of Riverside (Local League)
LWV Of San Diego (Local League)
LWV Of San Francisco (Local League)
LWV Of Santa Barbara (Local League)
LWV Of Santa Monica (Local League)
LWV of Solano County (Local League)
LWV Of Sonoma County (Local League)
LWV Of The Eden Area (Local League)
LWV Of Torrance Area (Local League)
LWV Of Tulare County (Local League)
LWV Of Ventura County (Local League)
LWV Of Whittier (Local League)
LWV Of Woodland (Local League)