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LWV Of District Of Columbia

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Stories from Around the State

Voters voting by mail in 46 states are at risk of being disenfranchised due to delays with the US Postal Service.

September 19th dawned crisp and bright as DC citizens streamed into the Rayburn HOB to be present at the first DC Statehood hearing held by the House in 26 years.

On Thursday, September 19th, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Committee will hold the first hearing on DC statehood in more than a quarter-century. 

With a population of over 700,000 who pay more federal income tax per-capita than any other citizen of any other state, it would make sense for DC citizens to have their own state. 

After the election, I joined fellow members of the League of Women Voters of DC to register new voters at a naturalization ceremony. It was my first time at one; I was uncertain of what to expect.