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 “Over the opposition of voter reform groups, a state Senate committee on Tuesday embraced legislation requiring voters to show a picture ID at the polls ... Critics ranging from the League of Women Voters and the Civil Liberties Union to the state chapter of the Public Interest Research Group maintained the requirement is unnecessary and will discourage some people from voting..”

 “A broad coalition of groups is battling a measure ... requiring Nebraska voters to show identification before casting ballots. Members of the coalition packed the Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday to protest in advance of first-round debate on the measure ... Larry Dix, executive director of the Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO), said the bill is not needed.”

 “The League of Women Voters of Florida, with four lawsuits now in place against the actions of state legislators, prepped members at the Governors Club in Tallahassee Tuesday night, with a demonstration planned at the Capitol on Wednesday.”

“This bill smacks of an effort by some state lawmakers to avoid answering how they came up with strong Republican congressional districts in areas where the number of GOP voters has declined ... The Florida League of Women Voters says the proposed law “takes the smoke-filled rooms of state government and puts a clear billboard across the door: ‘Citizens May Not Enter.’”

“The Midland League of Women Voters met this week to hear a presentation about reforming the redistricting process in Michigan.”

“The [SC] bill...would stop voter registration drives by creating burdensome regulations and stiff penalties for violations, up to $1,000. Voter registration drives are as traditional as Fourth of July parades, and they have been organized for generations by the League of Women Voters...”

“Opponents of the plan to require voters to submit a photo ID at the polls say they worry that it would eliminate election-day registration, which has helped drive up the state's [MN] voter turnout.”

 “'Such legislation would essentially legislate groups that sign up new voters through registration drives, like the League of Women Voters of South Carolina, out of existence’, said [SC] League president Barbara Zia.”

“Critics, including the Michigan League of Women voters, AARP Michigan and the American Civil Liberties Union, said the bills would discourage voter participation.”

“Wisconsin's controversial new voter identification law has the state's colleges scrambling since they provide ID cards that students will be able to use at the polls.”

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