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This story was originally published in Mississippi Today.

A coalition of civic and legal organizations on Thursday called for the Hinds County Election Commission to provide clear answers to voters on why numerous voting precincts in the state’s most populous county ran out of ballots during the Nov. 7 election. 

The group, which includes organizations like Mississippi Votes and the League of Women Voters, told the media that some of the consortium’s representatives have attempted to schedule a meeting with the election commissioners, but the county rejected that request. 

This story was originally published by FOX 5 Atlanta.

"We are concerned by the large number of voters whose US Representatives and potentially polling locations will change in such a quick timeframe," said Rashidah Hasan, representing the League of Women Voters of Georgia.

This story was originally published in Associated Press.

The review conducted by the League of Women Voters of Kentucky found that lawmakers increasingly have relied on fast-track maneuvers to pass bills, which it says can give Kentuckians little or no time to offer input. The group urged lawmakers to slow down and give constituents more time to weigh in on legislation.

This story was originally published in Votebeat.

Plaintiffs including the NAACP and League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania applauded the ruling.

This story was originally published in the Kirkland Reporter.

The president of the Seattle-based League of Women Voters of Washington called the substances sent to several election offices in Washington “an attack on democracy.”


This story was originally published in Associated Press.

Voting rights activists plan to meet next week to discuss legal recourse around restoring fair access to ballots, said Debbie Pantenburg, spokesperson for the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Mississippi.

“Our membership is outraged that the lack of ballots happened in a historically underrepresented region of our state,” Pantenburg said.

She said the league wants Watson to investigate and publish a report detailing how the problems happened.

This story was originally published in Public News Service.

As Kentucky voters head to the polls to choose the state's next governor, attorney general, secretary of state and other state officials, can help them navigate the voting process.

This story was originally published by Public News Service.

Dora Rose, deputy director of the League of Women Voters of California, will be in Shasta County for the vote. She condemned the county's attempt to get rid of voting machines and spread fear about potential voter fraud.

This story was originally published in the Marion Star.

Since 1950, the Marion chapter of the League of Women Voters has provided reliable, nonpartisan information about issues and voting. While they ask candidates questions on positions for voting guides, the group never supports a particular candidate or political party. They do occasionally study and take positions on issues.

This editorial was originally published in the Star Tribune.

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