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Press Releases
Jefferson City, Mo. -- Two nonpartisan civic engagement organizations sued the state of Missouri and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft in Cole County Circuit Court to block provisions of one of the nation’s most extreme laws restricting voter registration activity and distribution of absentee ballot applications. The law violates the right to core political speech by severely curtailing the ability to engage with voters.   
MADISON — On August 17, 2022,  a settlement was finalized in federal court in Wisconsin to reinstate more than 31,000 registered voters who were purged from the voter rolls in 2021. The settlement also requires the state to set up a system for protecting registered voters from unlawful removal from the rolls.   
Today the League of Women Voters published their 2022 redistricting report for the organization’s program People Powered Fair Maps™. The report covering three years of work shows that when people are involved, there is greater transparency in the process which results in fairer maps that elevate communities.
WASHINGTON — Today the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following statement in response to the Senate’s bipartisan deal on the Electoral Count Reform Act:  
CUPERTINO, CA — Today, the League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale filed a federal lawsuit challenging the city’s anti-nonprofit speech ordinance, which requires nonprofit organizations to register as lobbyists. Organizations that fail to register risk being penalized. The League asserts the ordinance’s definition of “lobbyist” is too vague and chills voter engagement by harming voter service organizations.  
LWV of Kansas and partners appealed the Kansas Court of Appeals’ decision in League of Women Voters v. Schwab, which held that members of the Plaintiffs’ organizations do not have standing to challenge the unconstitutionality of this voter suppression law because they have not yet suffered an injury.
LWV of Alabama, LWV of the United States and partners submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in Merrill v. Milligan, outlining how Black Alabamians have been systematically deprived of their right to elect candidates of their choice to represent their interests in Congress.
WASHINGTON— Today the League of Women Voters of the United States President Dr. Deborah Turner and CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following joint statement in response to President Biden’s executive order on reproductive health:  
The League of Women Voters of South Dakota and the League of Women Voters of the United States filed a federal lawsuit challenging Senate Bill 180.
WASHINGTON — This weekend, the League of Women Voters of the United States elected a new national board of directors that will serve through June 2024. Dr. Deborah Ann Turner,…

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