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Press Releases

Press Releases
“Our members are fanning out across the Capitol to tell their elected representatives that it is well past time to right this wrong. We need them to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA),” President MacNamara said.
“We are disappointed that the Senate Democrats’ campaign finance proposal, announced today, falls short of what is needed to keep big money from dominating our politics,” said President MacNamara.
“This decision sends a dangerous signal to voters across the country, one the League is prepared to fight at every opportunity,” said President MacNamara.
“We are pleased that the images of several of the inspirational leaders who fought to secure the right to vote for women will grace our nation's currency," said President MacNamara.
“Big money, secret money, is taking over our elections while the FEC sits on its hands. It is time for a change – a big change,” said President MacNamara.
“This is an 8-0 decision that reinforces basic constitutional principles and previous holdings by the Supreme Court. This is a big win," said President MacNamara.
“I am excited that the League is part of launching the 2020 Women's Vote Centennial Initiative to remind us of the decades of hard work and perseverance it took to win voting rights for women,” said President MacNamara.
“If the illegal action is allowed to stand there will be substantial and continuing harm to voters and to our organizations,” said President MacNamara.
“Voters should not have to face an obstacle course to vote. The decision by EAC Executive Director Brian Newby is simply contrary to federal law and we expect it to be overturned,” said President MacNamara.
"Procedural safeguards must be put in place to protect democratic values and ensure that any proposed amendments reflect the concerns of citizens,” said President MacNamara..

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