Campaign Finance Reform
"After recent Supreme Court rulings, are states foreclosed from using a public financing system just for judicial elections?"
“‘Fortunately, Senator Udall and Senator Bennet did vote to allow debate on this vital issue,’ said Cath Perrone, LWV of Colorado. ‘We are proud that the senators from our state stood up for the voters against the special interests pouring huge sums of secret money into the elections’...”
“Their rationale for their votes doesn't take into account the need to know who's influencing elections.”
Voters deserve to know origins of secret money in elections
“The League of Women Voters of Ohio urges Ohioans to contact Senators Brown and Portman and ask them to support sending the DISCLOSE Act of 2012 to the floor for a vote.”
We recently aired radio ads on the importance of disclosure in Maine and Tennessee. Now, Leagues across the country are writing op-eds so Senators know we want them to stop secret spending.
Today, the Supreme Court repeated its uninformed errors in the Citizens United decision in another campaign finance case. We look forward to the day when the Court majority deal with the facts.
Court Repeats Naïve, Uninformed Errors of Its Citizens United Decision
“The League of Women Voters of Ohio is deeply concerned about the current state of political financing in our nation.”
“Our election system is literally awash in money, and the 2012 election will again shatter all spending records. The amount of money from wealthy special interests, millionaires and billionaires coursing through the Wisconsin recall election and the presidential election corrodes public faith in our democracy.”