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LWVUS and partners urged Congress to oppose H.R. 7109, the Equal Representation Act.

The League submitted comments to the Management and Budget Office (OMB) regarding its proposed updates to the federal government’s race and ethnicity data collection standards. The outcome of this comment opportunity will update the questions that respondents see on the US Census and other forms of government data collection. LWVUS also signed onto partner comments to amplify how the proposed changes would impact numerous racial and ethnic communities in the US.   

The League submitted comments to the Census Bureau in response to a request for public comment on how the Bureau can improve the 2030 Census. Comments focused on ending prison gerrymandering, ensuring accurate counting, creating more accessible digital census options, and collecting data that is inclusive of all communities- including revising the standards for federal data on race and ethnicity. 

The League of Women Voters, as a member of the Census Project coalition, wrote in strong support for full funding of the U.S. Census Bureau in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. 

Today the League of Women Voters published their 2022 redistricting report for the organization’s program People Powered Fair Maps™. The report covering three years of work shows that when people are involved, there is greater transparency in the process which results in fairer maps that elevate communities.

The League reached out to welcome Director Santos who was confirmed to the Census Bureau earlier this year. Census work is incredibly important to our democracy. 

LWVUS joined partners on a letter asking the Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget to move forward with revising the standards for federal data on race and ethnicity.

Census data needed to draw maps has been released and map drawing is beginning. The time is now for the public to get involved!

LWVUS with over 100 organizations urges Senators to cosponsor the bipartisan 2020 Census Deadline Extensions Act to extend the deadlines for delivering apportionment and redistricting data

LWVUS joined a statement by Advancing Justice, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and National Conference on Citizenship to warn inappropriate data for redistricting.