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Today is Census Day, the official launch of the 2020 Census!

It’s 2020, and that means in addition to a presidential election, this year is also a critical census year.  

Community organizing and advocacy will be an essential part of GOTC efforts this year. Here's what's at stake.

The League joined the Census Project and other national and state organizations calling for full funding of the 2020 Census in the FY20 appropriations bills. 

LWV Texas and other partners joined North Carolina redistricting case Common Cause v. Lewis as amici curiae.

Officials at the state level in Texas have decided not to spend any money on the 2020 census, even though in the past 10 years the population of Texas has grown massively. So business leaders, large cities and even nonprofits in Texas say they're being forced to step in instead.

Late Tuesday the Trump Administration announced the 2020 Census forms will be printed without a citizenship question. The announcement came days after the Supreme Court blocked the question.

LWVUS joined organizations connected to the Coalition on Human Needs on a letter urging members of Congress to lift severe caps on domestic and international discretionary spending in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was one of the most important pieces of legislation of the 20th century. But in 2013, the Supreme Court gutted important sections of it in Shelby County v. Holder.