Money in Politics
For 25 years the presidential public financing system, which has put value on small donors in our electoral process, has served the nation well. Unfortunately, Congress failed to modernize the system, and the Presidential Election Campaign Fund is broken today.
The League sent a letter to the U.S. Senate in support of Senator Udall’s Empower Act, S. 1176, legislation to repair the presidential public financing system.
President Obama called for “reduc[ing] the influence of money in our politics, so that a handful of families or hidden interests can’t bankroll our elections” during his final State of the Union speech. As we mark the sixth anniversary of Citizens United v. FEC, here are four solutions for fighting the influence of money in politics.
In addition to lobbying the 114th Congress in support of our priorities, the League is working on a number of important policy proposals put forth by the President and agencies of the federal government. We will also be participating in litigation that could have a major impact on laws and regulations.
The League joined a letter to U.S. Senators encouraging Senators to support and co-sponsor the Stop Super PAC-Candidate Coordination Act. The bill, sponsored by Senator Leahy (D-VT), would shut down individual-candidate Super PACs which are used to circumvent candidate contribution limits.
The League sent a letter to the U.S. Senate with other reform groups expressing support for the Lobbying and Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2015. This legislation, sponsored by Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) would limit the ability of lobbyists to use bundled contributions to buy influence with members of Congress.
The League joined other organizations on comments to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The letter asks the FEC to reconsider and strengthen the rules limiting campaign contributions to candidates from those doing business with the government.
It’s time to close this loophole that is letting too much big money into our elections. Stand up today and urge your Representatives to strengthen the coordination rules!
"The League joined in this case to further the simple goal of protecting government that is transparent and accountable to voters,” said League President Elisabeth MacNamara.
The League sent a letter to the U.S.