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Voter Registration

Activists from the League of Women Voters, People For the American Way, and Declaration for American Democracy demonstrate at White House for action on the freedom to vote.
A federal court ruled that a former US Election Assistance Commission official violated federal law in 2016 when he allowed three states – Alabama, Georgia, and Kansas – to require documentary proof of citizenship on the federal voter registration form.
In a memo to the US Senate, LWV urged Senators to support passage of the Freedom to Vote Act.

The League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued this statement in response the US Senate’s introduction of the transformative voting rights bill, the Freedom to Vote Act.

No matter how much any one person knows about local and state elections or how involved they’ve been in the past, they can find the tools they need to elevate their voices at

The League was founded to empower women to fully participate in our democracy, and today, we continue that work alongside our allies who focus on empowering other marginalized communities.  

To that end, we’re investing more than $5 million this year alone into a new programmatic focus — Women Power Democracy — to support initiatives that will help us realize a stronger, more representative American democracy. 

The New Hampshire Supreme Court on Friday voted in a 4-0 decision that a 2017 state law requiring proof of residence to vote is unconstitutional, saying that it "imposes unreasonable burdens on the right to vote."

‘Women Power Democracy,’ the new programmatic focus of the League of Women Voters, will advance a stronger, more representative American democracy. 

The League of Women Voters of Kansas filed a motion for preliminary injunction, asking the Court to bar the state from enforcing its newly enacted “Voter Education Restriction.”

The League urges corporations to cease supporting, the American Legislative Exchange Council for its efforts to restrict the American people’s freedom to vote and undermine democracy