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Voting Rights Act (VRA)

“With four lawsuits and more than 180,000 names of potentially ineligible voters, the situation in the Sunshine State is getting messier by the day. ... A letter to the newspaper from the director of the state chapter of the League of Women Voters and a lawyer from the Brennan Center for Justice (both groups that submitted friend-of-court briefs supporting the DOJ) argues for continuing vigilance.”

“A panel of federal judges opened a trial in Washington, D.C., on Monday to decide whether Texas can carry out its year-old voter ID law, which the Justice Department contends will prevent Latino and African-American citizens from voting.”

On Monday, June 11, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed our National Convention.

“The nonpartisan League of Women Voters agrees with several points in the editorial. LWV also can find no proof of voter fraud which photo ID would prevent and is concerned Texas's suit poses risks for the Voting Rights Act.”

“Last spring, Florida made some changes to its election law. Cloaked as technical tweaks, the new laws have the potential to swing the 2012 election.”

“The state of Texas wants the discussions their Republican legislators had about passing a voter ID law to stay secret.”

“The League of Women Voters has asked a three-judge federal panel for permission to take part in a legal challenge to South Carolina's voter identification law, becoming the second group seeking to participate in the legal challenge.”

Gwen Ifill and guests discuss the latest voter ID news from Wisconsin and Texas on this PBS Newshour segment.

“So it was no surprise on Monday when the Justice Department did the right thing and forcefully rejected the state’s [TX] voter-ID law entirely.”

Published by League of Women Voters Education Fund. Helping America Vote provides recommendations that ensure provisional ballots serve their purpose.