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A letter to the editor from Barbara Chaudhery, co-president of the Greater Red Bank League of Women Voter, showing support for clean air initiative.

“Sweeping election law changes proposed in Connecticut would make it easier for Fairfield County voters to register online, allow registration on the same day as an election and permit more people to obtain absentee ballots.”

 “The Maine State Senate today helped to protect voting rights by passing an amended version of LD 199. ...‘Maine's elections work. They are well-run and efficient,’ said Ann Luther of the League of Women Voters of Maine.”

“Nine government watchdog organizations today asked Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich, as well as President Barack Obama, to reveal more details about fundraisers for their presidential campaigns who ‘bundle’ contributions in amounts greatly exceeding what they're permitted to contribute on their own.”

 ABC NEWS reports: “Nine government watchdog groups today called on the 2012 presidential candidates to lift the veil of secrecy that shrouds their biggest fundraisers, the so-called ‘bundlers’ who use their connections to steer millions of dollars from well-heeled donors to the campaigns of their choice.”

“Dismayed by low voter turnout in local elections, students in Natick High School's Advanced Placement government classes have decided to do something about it. The students...with help from the League of Women Voters...held a forum in the school cafeteria for candidates...”

“The League of Women Voters Alaska has received a prestigious award grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and National Endowment for the Humanities.”

“Two lawmakers exchanged heated remarks during testimony over the proposed voter identification legislation. Debate escalated after Susan Smith, president of League of Women Voters of Michigan, said there is a national trend of voter suppression through ID requirements.”

“The League of Women Voters and prisoners-rights organizations filed a lawsuit Wednesday against California Secretary of State Debra Bowen seeking to restore the voting rights of citizens convicted of felonies but sent to county jails under the state's controversial realignment program.”

“The lawsuit was filed last year by the League of Women Voters.”

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