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This NYT editorial points out that “one reason the United States has a low voter-participation rate is that most states are using 19th-century registration methods in the 21st century.”

“The League of Women Voters and the NAACP have become the latest groups allowed to take part in a legal challenge over South Carolina's new voter identification law.”

“Olivia Thorne, president of the Pennsylvania League of Women Voters, said any changes to the size of the state House should be accompanied with a reformed process for redrawing the state's districts.”

“Voters will decide in November whether government-issued photo identification should be required when voting in Minnesota, after lawmakers approved the ballot measure Wednesday and ended a years-long dispute.”

“There are all kinds of nitty gritty decisions that have to be made before you put an election together,” said Linda Krefting, vice president of the League of Women Voters of Texas.”

“Almost 200 high school students have registered to vote in the last month, thanks to members of the League of Women Voters of Horry County, who have been visiting high schools to simplify registration and ensure that eligible seniors will be able to participate in the democratic process.”

“... In Miami-Dade, for example, voter registration plunged by 39 percent. The link between the law and the suspension of registration drives is clearly showing up in these findings.”

"Increasing informed voter turnout 20 percent by 2020 is one of the goals of the League of Women Voters of Chester County. Our league volunteers have been very busy this spring registering voters to help accomplish this goal."

“A controversial constitutional amendment that would require voters to show a photo identification at the polls has cleared one of the last hurdles on the way to the fall ballot” in Minnesota.

“...people in the social sector are starting to work together in more and better ways – the good people at Brennan Center..., League of Women Voters, Rock the Vote, and Voto Latino have been very helpful with all of their research and surveys. These folks aren’t social workers or do gooders, they’re just trying to defend Americans and Founding Father values; it’s basic patriotism.”

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