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“The League of Women Voters of Burlington County [NJ] became the 5th local League to hold the Running & Winning Workshop, joining Camden, the Greater Red Bank Area, Mountain Lakes, and Cape May. “Running & Winning”, a workshop these local Leagues hold annually or every other year, is an amazing day-long League program that encourages high school girls to consider a political career.”

“The court has until May 14 to review the legislature’s second attempt at drawing its redistricting maps and if the court rejects it this time, the justices must propose a fix.”

Op/ed by Pamela Person (LWV of Maine): “Last month I attended, as the League of Women Voters of Maine’s representative, a conference sponsored by Oxfam America’s GROW Campaign, which explored needed changes to help small-scale farmers around the world adapt to the realities of a changing climate.”

“This innovative election tool made its debut in October 2011. The League of Women Voters in Florida in conjunction with Microsoft Tag and the Supervisors of Elections from various Florida counties launched the new tag as a part of the “Be Ready to Vote” campaign. The main objective is to prepare voters to participate in all elections.”

“... Another obstacle to getting the necessary ID is providing the necessary documentation, usually a birth certificate. Many do not have a copy of their birth certificate and obtaining one can be time consuming, complicated and costly -- especially if the voter was born out of state. To address this problem, the League of Women Voters of Dane County (Wisconsin) helps voters through the process...”

“This week, the League of Women Voters released a map of Monroe County which shows, by census tract, what share of adults are registered to vote. ... League member Barbara Grosh shared the map with seniors at the School of the Arts who are enrolled in Participation in Government classes.”

“Setting the stage on a national level for this year’s elections, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on April 17 ruled that part of voter registration provisions of Arizona’s Proposition 200 violate the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA)...”

“The League of Women Voters, Clemson Area [SC], is registering high school seniors in Oconee, Pickens and Anderson counties.”

“‘Different conclusions can be reached by sincere people looking at the same set of facts, but it certainly helps to have good information to start with and a fair forum in which to discuss the issues.’ This quote from Kay Escarda is from the soon-to-be-released history of activities by the Humboldt County League of Women Voters, “Fifty Years of a Good Idea.” Reading through the history, you can't help but be struck by the contrast of the League's style with the shouting match of the current political arena.”

“Lawyers for the Florida Democratic Party, some individual citizens and the coalition argued the map violates the Fair Districts standards in one of two constitutional amendments covering legislative and congressional redistricting voters adopted in 2010. ... The Fair Districts coalition is made up of the League of Women Voters of Florida...”

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