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“The League of Women Voters of Southeastern Connecticut will kick off a voter registration effort with sessions in New London.”

“The League [of Women Voters of FL] is challenging the rules in federal court, but in the meantime, few nonpartisan groups aside from NCLR are registering voters in the state. ... Although the new rules have been in effect less than a year, University of Florida political scientist Daniel Smith says it’s clear they're already having an impact.”

“The Westwood-Walpole [MA] League of Women Voters, a local branch of the national non-partisan League of Women Voters who aim at citizen participation in government, attended Walpole High the other day in order to register students to vote.”

“The League of Women Voters has changed its name to officially recognize that its membership and its voter service activities reflect the entire Verde Valley. ... the new name is League of Women Voters of Greater Verde Valley.”

“A contentious new election law was on track to being repealed in...Ohio after a bill to rescind the law cleared the Legislature on Tuesday, amid Democratic accusations that Republicans were thwarting the chance for voters to weigh in on the issue this fall. GOP Gov. John Kasich is expected to sign the repeal bill. Voter advocates, including the League of Women Voters in Ohio, have urged state lawmakers not to make any changes to Ohio's election law before November...”

Women in government mentor [NJ] high school students at annual Running & Winning workshop: “...Bobbi Goldstein, co-chair of the Greater Red Bank Area League of Women Voters [NJ], said it is important to create a dialogue that shares stories illustrating how women have paved the way for younger generations.”

“The League of Women Voters works on principles of equality and respect, and [is] determine[d] to educate voters based on facts. We face an immense election cycle now and will be applying nonpartisan efforts to ask questions of each candidate that direct voters to real issues at hand.”

“Filling a federal courtroom and adjacent overflow room, some 300 Cleveland area residents heard two hours of testimony on Ohio's new voter suppression law at a field hearing May 7 called by U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL).”

Melanie Ramey of the Wisconsin League: “We in Wisconsin can be grateful that the Environmental Protection Agency recently issued national regulations... Congress made a promise to us when it passed the Clean Air Act in 1970 to protect future generations from pollutants like smog, soot, carbon and mercury. Now it is up to all of us to keep that promise.”

“Minnesota lawmakers spent hours going back and forth on the Voter ID amendment, before finally passing it through both chambers ... The League of Women Voters is against the amendment saying it only disenfranchises voters.”

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