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“Dietrich...became an active member of the league, citing the friendship of the members and the league's importance in the social fabric of the community as things she valued.”

“...the League of Women Voters of Florida and Rock the Vote will get back to work registering voters, the groups announced Wednesday. ... ‘Failure was never an option in this battle against voter suppression,’ said LWVF President Deirdre Macnab. ‘Now it’s time for our volunteers to work overtime to make up for lost ground.’”

“I count members of the League of Women Voters among my political heroes. Year after year, the League does some of the most important work of our democracy.”

“A major focus of the League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford is the registration of new voters. ... This year the League registered 492 area students.”

“OUR OPINION: Scott administration should focus on access to voters, not impose obstacles,” Miami Herald

“The League of Women Voters spent a year studying how city council members are elected, and looking at what happened in other large cities that changed from an at-large system to one that was fully or partially district-based.”

“The League of Women Voters of Tennessee is deeply concerned about the current state of political financing in our nation. Rather than focusing on the concerns of voters, too often campaigns and candidates focus too heavily on raising funds.”

“Four groups petitioned the Minnesota Supreme Court on Wednesday to remove from the November ballot a proposed constitutional amendment requiring voters to present photo IDs at the polls, saying the language that voters will see doesn't accurately describe the amendment.”

“Hoping to start high school students on a lifetime of voting, the League of Women Voters of the La Grange Area [IL] is sponsoring voter registration May 23 at the Lyons Township High School...”

“Disqualification of many who expected to run for office in South Carolina's 2012 primary elections has shocked both candidates and voters throughout the state.”

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