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“...the effort to overhaul how Ohio draws its legislative and congressional districts is on track to submit more than 386,000 voter signatures by the July 4 deadline, said Ann Henkener of the League of Women Voters of Ohio.”

“Five separate organizations and two individual Florida voters have filed suit in U.S. District Court, claiming that the state's controversial voter purge program is discriminatory. The suit, filed yesterday, is the first on behalf of individuals who were on a list of potential non-citizens flagged for removal from the voter rolls.”

“Maintaining democratic institutions requires a citizenship willing to stand up for its core principle, even in the face of bullies—or worse.”

“'Voters First' advocate Ann Henkener, Redistricting Specialist for the League of Women Voters of Ohio, ... explained the 'Voters First' initiative that proposes 'to take the power over drawing our congressional and legislative districts out of the hands of the politicians and put it in the hands of the people.'”

“The City of St. Paul has filed an amicus brief that argues against the proposed Voter ID constitutional amendment as part of a case that will be heard by the state Supreme Court. The city questions the legality of the language in the constitutional amendment...”

“Sharon Grace and Carole Young-Kleinfeld of Wilton attended the convention...”

“The League of Women Voters of Ohio is deeply concerned about the current state of political financing in our nation.”

“The League of Women Voters of Arlington [VA] was represented by Mary Finger and Kathy Matusiak at the national organization's 50th biennial national convention, ...”

“Allegheny County Democrats said on Friday they're determined to overturn Pennsylvania's GOP-backed voter identification law because they think it will make it harder for poor, minority and elderly voters without IDs to cast a ballot.”

“[MN] Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, a DFLer who has campaigned against the photo ID requirement for voting passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature, said Thursday he will not defend the language of the proposed constitutional amendment in a court challenge that names him as the defendant.”

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