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“Jessica Lowe-Minor, Executive Director of the League of Women Voters of Florida, emphasized the importance of civic participation. ‘Registering to vote enables citizens to voice their opinions about the policies and legislation that impact their lives.’”

“A study by the Associated Press found that legitimate votes have been rejected after many states passed tougher voter ID laws in order to prevent fraud. ... When Edward and Mary Weidenbener went to vote in Indiana's primary in May, they didn't realize that state law required them to bring government photo IDs such as a driver's license or passport.”

“The League of Women Voters of the Midland Area has launched an online voters' guide at to offer local voters ‘one-stop shopping’ information for the Aug. 7 primary.”

“The Florida Nurses Association, the League of Women Voters of Florida and other nursing groups have kicked off a voter registration drive targeting more than 250000 registered nurses.”

“A note to candidates for state and federal offices this November: The Utah League of Women Voters is asking tough questions and it wants answers now.”

“A panel of federal judges opened a trial in Washington, D.C., on Monday to decide whether Texas can carry out its year-old voter ID law, which the Justice Department contends will prevent Latino and African-American citizens from voting.”

“The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Car Act will protect health care for Pennsylvanians. This is essential for protecting the health and welfare of our children, our most cherished investment.”

“The Dearborn [MI] branch of LWV hopes to keep local voters education with candidate, polling location, and voting information.”

“The League of Women Voters called it ‘by far the most extreme example of racial gerrymandering among all the redistricting proposals passed by lawmakers so far this year.’”

“Ask the League of Women Voters to do a guest blog and what do you get? Brace yourself, readers, for a civic engagement pep talk.”

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