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“Elections should not be decided by politicians who manipulate voting laws for partisan gain. Improving our elections need not come at the expense of our shared value that all citizens should have the opportunity to participate in our democracy.”

“Gov. Rick Snyder [MI] on Tuesday vetoed three election law bills pushed by Republican legislators seeking to require a ballot box affirmation of citizenship, restrict voter registration drives and require photo ID for obtaining an absentee ballot.”

“Nancy Detrick, president of the Montana League of Women Voters says it's not surprising so many people wanted to have a say. ‘It just shows that people here in Montana are concerned about the clean air, and also public health.’”

The League of Women Voters of Spartanburg's art contest on

“Groups opposed to a proposed constitutional amendment to require photo IDs for voting argued Monday to Minnesota's highest court that allowing the ballot question to move forward would set up a ‘voter beware’ choice. ... Lawyers representing the League of Women Voters Minnesota, Common Cause Minnesota and other groups filed a brief ahead of a hearing in two weeks...”

“‘The League of Women Voters of Asheville-Buncombe County [NC] will continue to educate our community on the ACA and its pivotal impact on their lives and work to fully implement the law. Health care for all must be the goal as we expand coverage to millions of Americans and preserve the ACA’s transformational reforms,’ said Karen Oelschlaeger...”

Reporter Rick Brundrett of The Nerve discusses legislative control of judicial selection in South Carolina, quotes League of Women Voters of South Carolina President Barbara Zia and Profes

“Supporters of the Affordable Care Act gathered at the [FL] state Capitol Friday to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court's decision upholding the law. The Florida Pediatric Society was joined by the League of Women Voters, the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans and other consumer advocates to praise the court's landmark decision.”

“Bravo to students at several local [CT] high schools for registering to vote. ... Representatives of the League of Women Voters of Southeastern Connecticut recently visited New London High School, Stonington High School and the Williams School, registering a teacher and more than 135 students...”

“For the first time in [NH] state history, voters will be asked to show IDs at the polls this fall, after the Republican-led Legislature overturned a veto from Gov. John Lynch on Wednesday.”

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