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“House Democratic Leader Terie Norelli, D-Portsmouth, called it a ‘voter suppression’ bill. Other critics, such as the League of Women Voters-NH, have said it will unfairly affect the poor, the elderly and minorities in the state.”

“The League of Women Voters of Litchfield County [CT] made history on Wednesday by electing its first male president. Bernard Harrington of Goshen was selected to head the League...”

“The League of Women Voters chose Maine and Tennessee as the only states where the ads will run, believing senators in the two states are ‘key actors’ in congressional decisions on campaign finance laws, said Elisabeth McNamara, league president, in a news release.”

“The League of Women Voters of the Monterey Peninsula [CA] urges support for the proposed Monterey Peninsula Water Management District fee.”

“The Minnesota Supreme Court plans to move quickly in determining whether to change or quash a constitutional amendment on voter ID before it appears on the November ballot. The court has ordered oral arguments for July 17, an expedited schedule that would allow it to order changes to the ballot question before the November election.”

“Wisconsin’s League of Women Voters also reported ‘widespread’ problems with the residency law at polling places across the state, according to Executive Director Andrea Kaminski. ... Carolyn Castore, the League’s election coordinator, stressed that students could claim their parents’ residency to be their home if they have not registered at their Madison address, a stipulation she claimed several polling officials had overlooked.”

“‘The status quo is broken,’” said Trudy Schafer, a spokeswoman for the League of Women Voters of California. ‘We have people who come to the Capitol and immediately start looking at where they go next.’”

“The League of Women Voters of New Hampshire decries the current state of political financing in our nation. Rather than focusing on the concerns of voters, campaigns focus too heavily on raising money.”

“Bob Edgar, president and CEO of Common Cause, called on members of the League of Women Voters to join forces with his organization to continue to promote ethics in government and citizens’ participation in democracy. ... Edgar described the League and Common Cause as ‘the premier consciences of a civic society,’ and praised League members, saying, ‘you’ve refused to be silent,’ as recent developments have challenged citizens ability to participate.”

“Young voters and African-American voters did more than their part to show up, according to exit polls and early reports, despite significant efforts to confuse and challenge them from groups that profess to be fighting voter fraud.”

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