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“'These laws are hitting roadblocks because they were problematic to begin with,' says Andrea Kaminski, executive director of the Wisconsin League of Women Voters.”

"As Primary Election ballots hit mailboxes, The League of Women Voters of Washington announced the launch of the nonpartisan election resource"

 “The League has doubts about the accuracy and reliability of the federal data match that the state is planning to undertake, and we call on Florida's leaders to ensure that eligible voters are not removed erroneously from the rolls.”

“As the League of Women Voters of Michigan noted, that state ‘follows federal law for verifying new registrants' identity and the voter's signature is compared to the signature on file to confirm identity for absentee voting. These methods work very well and there is no evidence of voter impersonation in our elections.’"

“Liz Shields of the League of Women Voters [Fresno, CA] says voters can get confused. She said, ‘I think the problem is it is overwhelming initially and I think one thing voters need to understand is they don't have to vote for every proposition if they don't understand it.’”

“One hundred years of an invaluable right  — the right to vote. Register, then check-out League’s, and be informed.”

“‘Candidate information, voting tips, voter registration and much more are available at your fingertips,’ said Linnea Hirst, co-president. ‘You can enter your address, see everything that will be on your ballot, and easily compare candidates. It's convenient, easy and invaluable for voters who want reliable information about voting in Washington.’”

“Voter advocacy groups say stringent state laws approved in 2011 kept them from signing up as many people for next month's primary election as they should have, although even with the new restrictions there are more registered voters in Northeast Florida than there were last year.”

“All you do is go to and click on Texas and then type in your street address. When the site is up live next week, the candidate’s names will appear and you can begin researching.”

“The court heard oral arguments today in a lawsuit filed by amendment opponents, who claim the ballot question is too vague and misleading.”

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