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"The League of Women Voters of South Bend [IN] will conduct a voter registration, but with a twist. It's for students who are taking summer government and economics classes at Adams High School."

 “With 750,000 signatures ... the coalition of good-government groups like the League of Women Voters seeking a constitutional amendment to change Ohio’s seriously messed-up system for drawing legislative and congressional districts — is confident that the amendment will be on the ballot this November.”

“The League of Women Voters of New Hampshire has produced two flyers explaining what voters will need to know to vote. ... ‘We’re concerned that people will believe that they can’t vote if they don’t have a photo ID. That is not the case, even with the new law,’ said Liz Tentarelli, co-president of the league’s state chapter.”

“A record number of 95 students at Montville and Boonton High Schools [NJ] received an extra civics lesson this March and June when they registered to vote at their schools.”

“The first legal test for Pennsylvania’s tough new voter identification law began Wednesday, with state lawyers calling the measure a completely rational step, while opponents attacked it as an unnecessary, unjustified and partisan scheme that will deprive countless people of their right to vote.”

“The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating whether Pennsylvania's new voter identification law discriminates against minorities, according to a letter released on Monday.”

"What we saw were issues that could lead to disenfranchisement," said Andrea Kaminski, executive director for Wisconsin's League of Women Voters.”

“Their rationale for their votes doesn't take into account the need to know who's influencing elections.”

“Sixty-year-old Wilola Lee of Philadelphia says she's voted in almost every presidential election since the '70s. ... But, in November, under the voter identification law passed in Pennsylvania, Lee may not be able to cast a ballot.”

“Prop. 32 is not what it seems, and it will hurt everyday Californians," said Trudy Schafer of the League of Women Voters of California.”

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