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“With the November election just around the corner, the League of Women Voters of Vigo County [IN]...marked 92 years since women won the constitutional right to vote. ... Close to 200 people, many Indiana State University students, marched across the ISU campus Monday afternoon marking the anniversary.”

“Consider the League of Women Voters valuable study “Shining a Light: Redistricting Lessons Learned in 2011” by reading an introductory article, “New League report details redistricting lessons learned.” I think the League provides WE THE PEOPLE with VERY VALUABLE information and perspective to advocate for REFORM of our redistricting processes in our state. This is, remember, a STATE POWER!”

“If Wisconsin had a problem with voter fraud, the action taken by state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen last week would be more understandable. ...But the state doesn't have a problem... Van Hollen asked the state Supreme Court to review rulings by two judges that struck down the state's voter ID law, and he asked the justices to do so before the presidential election on Nov. 6. ... The Supreme Court already has declined once to intervene.”

“The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled Monday that the Legislature’s voter ID ballot question will stay on the ballot as originally written after voter ID opponents [including the League] filed a lawsuit in May claiming the question was misleading and should be struck from the ballot.”

“In the month of September 1920 alone, the first month after the 19th Amendment became law, the League of Women Voters of Alabama reported ‘123,000 white women and 100 black women had registered.’ ... Although it was a national law, Alabama did not ratify the 19th Amendment until 1953. ... This year also marks the 70th year of the founding of The League of Women Voters of Greater Tuscaloosa.”

“The combative tone of the session left Peg Rosenfield, elections specialist of the Ohio League of Women Voters, ‘disturbed and frankly a little frightened.’ ‘This is a terrible indictment of the entire system... The goal – voter integrity, accurate registration records and fair elections – is one we all share. ... But I really question this approach.’”

“The Florence [SC] League of Women Voters celebrated women’s suffrage Sunday by honoring the female judges of the county.”

“Before the 1928 presidential election, the then-new League of Women Voters sponsored a ten-month series of nationally broadcast debates. The candidates did not participate; instead, journalists, scholars, and other politicians argued on their behalf. ... The League of Women Voters, forever on the cutting edge of political astuteness, used radio as an extremely effective methodology for an exchange of ideas during that 10-month series of debates.”

“A federal trial opening Monday will examine the legality of South Carolina’s new voter ID law and also put on display the state’s history of racial discrimination.”

Ann Henkener, LWV of Ohio board member: ”Voters and taxpayers deserve balance, transparency and accountability any time their tax dollars are being spent. In return for hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars spent to rig legislative and congressional districts, you received none of the above.”

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