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“Elizabeth McNamara, who served as a felony prosecutor in Georgia for decades before becoming national director of the League of Women Voters, said the justice system has become more comprehensive as more women joined the ranks of the police force, prosecutors' office and the judiciary.”

“Sunday marks the 92nd anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the constitutional amendment that granted women the right to vote. The League of Women Voters of East Alabama will celebrate what has come to be known as Women's Equality Day by helping prepare voters for this fall’s big election with a series of voter registration events.”

"The Ohio League of Women Voters is offering a compromise to settle the intense battle over early voting in the November election"

“The state Supreme Court agreed Thursday to expedite its handling of a challenge to Pennsylvania's new voter identification law, scheduling arguments for Sept. 13...”

“Although state officials are quick to point out that early voting increased in the 2012 primaries, it’s unfortunate to see that limiting certain voters’ access to the polls matters more to them than encouraging legitimate turnout.”

“...this year, Republican officials have decreed that polling places will not be open on the weekend before the Nov. 6 election, embroiling both states in a continuing partisan controversy.”

“Don’t seek solutions to nonexistent problems. ... During a public forum that stretched more than two hours...roughly 20 speakers shared variations on that refrain with a five-member commission assigned to review Maine election practice and suggest improvements.”

“With a few months left before the presidential election, voter ID laws are in limbo in a number of states. Critics say the laws disenfranchise eligible voters, supporters say they prevent voter fraud. Guest host Viviana Hurtado discusses the court challenges and national implications with NPR's Corey Dade and Pennsylvania activist Bob Previdi.”

“Starting...Aug. 18, Arlington [VA] will be hosting a month-long series of naturalization ceremonies for some 3,100 new U.S. citizens. ... Also present at the ceremonies will be several dozen volunteers from the League of Women Voters (LWV) of Arlington, who will be conducting non-partisan, on-site voter registration drives.”

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen asked the state Supreme Court to reinstate a voter identification law before the Nov. 6 elections.

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