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The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld highly partisan state election maps that permit one party to win most seats, even when most voters cast ballots for the other side.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Republican state lawmakers and upheld laws limiting the power of Democratic Gov. Tony Evers.

Guest column in Chicago-area newspaper the Daily Herald, from LWV of Illinois executive director Audra Wilson.

Last year, an army of paid workers with stacks of voter registration forms fanned out in Memphis, Nashville and other parts of Tennessee to persuade African Americans to vote. In response, the legislature passed a law imposing civil penalties on groups that employ paid canvassers if they submit incomplete or inaccurate voter registration forms.

Op-ed written by Cecile Scoon, vice president of the League of Women Voters of Florida. 

The arc of justice bent briefly toward Florida in November, when citizens here restored the right to vote for most people with felony convictions who have completed their sentences. However, the state legislature devised a way to once again deprive the vote of most of the people we had hoped to re-enfranchise.

Federal judges ordered the state of Michigan to draw new legislative districts on Thursday, after finding that a gerrymandered plan enacted by the state’s Republican-dominated legislature in 2011 constituted an “extremely grave” constitutional violation.

A coalition of 16 advocacy groups — including the Campaign Legal Center, Issue One, the League of Women Voters and Public Citizen — is calling on candidates for president to release lists of their top fundraisers.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on Tuesday urged the U.S. Supreme Court to act on partisan gerrymandering, calling the matter “one of the most important issues in America today.”

Hogan and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke at an anti-gerrymandering rally Tuesday morning organized by Common Cause and the League of Women Voters.

Supreme Court justices heard arguments Tuesday on a North Carolina map, drawn by Republicans who explicitly sought a partisan advantage, and a Maryland voting district designed by Democrats to oust a Republican lawmaker.

One North Carolina case was Rucho vs. League of Women Voters of North Carolina.

A Wisconsin judge on Thursday blocked several lightning-fast actions in December by the state legislature to limit the power of its incoming governor and preserve policies implemented by his predecessor.

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