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Nearly half a century ago the League of Women Voters of Iowa joined the fight for fair maps in Iowa. 

Voter ID laws can make it difficult for homeless people to vote. In Wisconsin, the League is working to help homeless voters exercise their rights.

Washington is the only state that allows all voters to return a ballot via email attachment.

The League of Women Voters of Michigan worked in coalition to get a measure expanding voting access on the November 2018 ballot.

Incoming CEO Virginia Kase told Glamour her vision for the League: Helping as many Americans as possible exercise their right to vote.

The League of Women Voters of North Carolina is a plaintiff in a case challenging the state's 13 congressional districts as extreme unconstitutional partisan gerrymanders.

The justices left the door open for future challenges to partisan gerrymanders.

U.S. Supreme Court allows Ohio to purge voting rolls.

League of Women Voters of Maine president speaks about ranked-choice voting on NPR. 

"It is safe to say that we have never registered this many people, so early in the year, during a non-presidential election year."

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