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...Hill to ask every GOP member of the House to put his or her weight behind scheduling a hearing.

For half a century, the League of Women Voters of Alpena County has been helping to educate the public on issues of importance to an informed Democracy.

Sixty years ago, members of the Roseville, Maplewood and Falcon Heights League of Women Voters stuck their noses where they didn't belong -- or so said some of the men who held positions of po

Members of the League of Women Voters of Falls Church and members of the George Mason High School Student Council worked together April 30 to help more than 35 Mason seniors register to vote for th

The primary election is less than two months away, June 26, and there are some changes to elections this year that you might not know about, including the fact that the elections will conducted by

The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County announces that Phillip Bane is the recipient of the 2014 “Making Democracy Work” award.

To the editor:

The failure of so many Wisconsin citizens to obtain a state-issued ID, despite how valuable such an ID is for transacting business in the state, is testimony to how difficult and expensive it is fo

A rally is scheduled for this afternoon outside the Greece office of State Senator Joe Robach.

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