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Dierdre Macnab is the president of the League of Women Voters of Florida. She says the ruling set a precedent for other states considering voter purges.

From their earliest years in our public schools, Falmouth children are learning through experience many aspects of good citizenship.

"This budget agreement omits fundamental and long-sought reforms," says LWV.

Voting rights groups filed an appeal Friday of a judge's order that federal election officials must help Kansas and Arizona enforce state laws requiring new voters to provide documentation pro

The first Tuesday in April comes early this year. It falls on April 1, meaning we're less than two weeks away from the annual spring elections. Are you prepared to vote?

March 17-23 is Sunshine Week, an annual nationwide effort to call attention to transparency in government and freedom of information.

To the editor: Launched in 2005, Sunshine Week has grown into an annual national initiative to promote open government and push back against excessive official secrecy.

Supporters of the new national health care law portray California's exchange as among the most successful at signing up residents for medical coverage.

Facing a deadline of early next week for a voting rights lawsuit in federal court, California's health insurance exchange appears to have agreed to send out almost 4 million voter registration

But I do know this about the weather: We could still use more sunshine — in government at least.

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